We finally committed and entered the king sized bed family! It’s been a long time coming but we finally just made the plunge.

Lifestyle + Littles Blog
Our home is constantly a coming and going zoo full of busy days and lots of driving, play dates, work etc. With that we really love to hone in on creating the best bedroom sleep for us parents to get ...
Ever since we visited Tofino in the Fall and tried out electric bikes for the first time, Owen and I were just so excited at how fun it really was to ride them. We remembered it everyday since just ...
The shoe that fits all seasons Vessi! We really fell in love with this line of footwear last year when we all tried our first pairs of Vessi, and it was the best especially living where we do where ...
Summer is nearing and with that means getting yourself and the kids ready for Summer weather. Either style or outdoors. We love saving money and being able to find the right products. We're sharing ...
It's no new fact that our family loves to visit Tofino B.C. It's one of the most beautiful getaways that really leave you feeling relaxed, inspired and like you really just had a vacation. Normally ...
We finally committed and entered the king sized bed family! It’s been a long time coming but we finally just made the plunge.
Hello Summer vacations and setting free. Freedom that loving word that is attached to Summer for our little ones. That carefree no stress Summer that they long await for. Ohhhh to be a kid again… We want our little ones to remain little for as long as they can. To enjoy that kid freeing feel that we adults all miss…
Giveaway Closed Congratulations Jaime Hughes!! Happy Fathers Day Month! Dads deserve a whole month of celebrating to because they also work really hard! They are always working their butts off and they too need to be given lots of love. Fathers Day to me, is an important one. Because I love being able to show our little ones how special…
We are in the midst of refreshing up our master bedroom! Cue the happy tears!! We are upgrading our queen to a king and fully transforming the style of our adult room. Which means the floral print is gone. And adding pops of pink to my room is always a must. It really is a colour that breathes fresh air…
This past weekend Owen and I had the opportunity to volunteer our afternoon and give back in our community with the TELUS team. It was rainy and cloudy but it was the most real genuine fun we’ve had together. It wasn’t about schedules or doing good or not. It was simply helping cleaning up trash in the area we live…
We were eagerly awaiting this little destination trip with the entire family to The Cove Lakeside Resort located in West Kelowna. Our drive was quick and beautiful, so much scenery. The views of the mountains and lake was so nice to see. This was our first time travelling to Kelowna and visiting. It didn’t disappoint that is for sure. Settled…
May Long Weekend! Normally, we spend this time home working on the house, catching up on chores and just relaxing. But this year we were invited by Vancouver Mom to share a fun experience with River Rock Resort and Visit Richmond Tourism. To tour around this unique and bustling city full of secret little gems that our family fell in…
The start of this year had brought on some exciting news for us… drum roll… we are officially members of the IRIS Vision year long family! We were thrilled with this news. I mean we have always been a huge fan of IRIS and a little sentimental when it comes to using them. They were the first place we had…
My friends, Mother’s Day is just around the corner and if your still trying to figure out a way to spoil mom, I have just the perfect idea to share with you! It’s easy to do, fun and you may even get to reap some of the benefits from it to! With treats and savouries that will fill your belly…
Last weekend I had the pleasure of hosting some amazing ladies in business at our home and shared what I could about Social Media with them. It was my first official social media workshop. Amazing to think that this was at one point a goal of mine on my bucket list. I just woke up one day and was like……
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