Last weekend I had the pleasure of hosting some amazing ladies in business at our home and shared what I could about Social Media with them. It was my first official social media workshop. Amazing to think that this was at one point a goal of mine on my bucket list. I just woke up one day and was like… I’m going to just do it!
I’m super happy to say that it went really great. I was so blown away by everyones eagerness to come and learn with me. It was sooo nice knowing that so many trusted me, what I had to say and wanted to learn from me. I know I don’t know everything there is to social media but sometimes to just combining every little thing we all know helps in so many ways. Not to mention the fact that its just fun socializing with other like minded ladies that live in our community!
It was so great to hear from Culture & Co. The leading ladies in branding who helped share 10 of their most important Brand Bombs. And how to stay on track with branding while creating and running a successful business. So much to learn always!!

My main objective to this was helping others that may feel lost in the social media world and not sure what to do, where to spend their time and what’s truly important to them and what their focus is. Sometimes it’s hard to know where to guide yourself when there’s so much to work on. Helping to find the right path into loving social media is a big part of business. Being able to prioritize and understand where you need the biggest attention.
I think so many of us often find it to be such a chore and so much work. And the time is just never on our side. But if we just start taking an hour or so out of our day pre-plan pre-organize. Set it aside for a rainy day. Create things that are fun and speak to your heart then I feel like you’ll just think of social media in a whole other light. You’ll appreciate the connections, the creativity behind it and opens the world up to new possibilities!
If you did miss this one then fear not, I’m currently in the process of organizing one more very soon so stay tuned…
Thank you to all the ladies that came out. And a big thank you to all the business’s that help contribute!!
Donuts | Decades Coffee Club
Juice | HABIT
Florals | The Bouquet Farm
Logo Cookies | Sweet Treats Home Bakery

A HUGE Thank You To | Julie Christine Photography
Keisha Lynne, xx