Checking off the Back To School To-Do List with Eye Checkups

Dare I even mention it to loudly, to soon, but parents the countdown is on! The back to school countdown, wahooo! Now I know it’s still vacation mode time but being able to tackle that to-do list before everyone else feels really good. I have to say. This week we started with the kids yearly eye care checkups and making sure they’re all caught up on appointments at our local IRIS and that glasses are good to go for the start of the school year! 

I love our local IRIS we have been visiting this location for about 6 years now yearly. 

Owens glasses journey…

We really started to notice a difference in Owens eye sight the first month he started kindergarten. He was always squinting, misplacing words and letters. He was having a tough time seeing but never complaining about it. 

 We were recommended to have him try an eye exam at 5 years old. Sure enough, that is when he got his first pair of glasses. Crazy to think he went that long without, but he seemed good to us. Which is why we are even more advocates for early age eye care and checkups. Our little Ella has had two now. Mostly for the education on eyecare, making sure she is all good and another reason is to get her into the habit and knowing herself how important it is to really take care of those eyes!

It’s been a fun and rewarding experience for both of them. And now at age 11 Owen is hardly ever without his glasses they are second nature to him. 

A typical eye exam for children is pretty routine and not hurtful. I know Owen and Ella were very scared it would hurt. But in no way was there any pain! And luckily British Columbia healthcare is covered for children’s eye exams which is a huge relief. Recommended ages to visit would be 6 months even if there’s no real signs, then again at 3 years, 4-5 years school starting age and then every year from 6 years to adulthood!

We really appreciate the yearly visits, to keep informed on any eye changes to prescriptions or special exercises that we need to do to build eye muscles because yes, eyes have exercises to! Things are always changes and new things are always popping up, it’s always super helpful to get an expert’s point of view and advice for any eye care needs!

Thankfully, this last check up was a good one. Owens prescription has stayed the same and good news his eye muscles and strength has improved. Lenses and frames are all in good shape and still fitting properly. He even had an extra tightening of his frames and a good clean of his lenses when we popped in. 

If you haven’t had your little one in yet, I definitely recommend visiting and totally making it a fun experience with them. Test try on some frames and have your appointment before theirs so they can see the whole thing and how it’s done if they are slightly unsure!

We have seen a huge improvement at school for Owen wearing his glasses and keeping up with checkups. He loves to learn and this made it 100 times more exciting for him!

Keisha Lynne, xx

{Disclosure this post was sponsored post as part of an collaboration program, however all opinions are my own}

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