DIY | How to make your own recipe book stand

This diy was SO easy you guys!

We used everything that we already had laying around in our shop. Scraps of plywood, paint, screws and wood glue. It was one of those projects that seemed so little but to me, had a big meaning!

Since being, shall I say it “quarantined” I’ve been playing around with recipes. Baking and cooking. I’ve been practicing around with different recipes just for fun. I must say to it has been a lot of fun! I’ve been loving it. Taking my time and really digging into different food recipes and dinner ideas. Butttt, I’m notorious for pulling out my recipe books slapping them down on my kitchen counter, bringing out all of my ingredients and finding whatever I can on my counter that’s heavy to weigh down the pages.haha I mean it works right!? The only downfall was that I was getting kinda messy and my brand new recipe books were getting kinda dirty.

It was really starting to drive me nuts. I felt so bad! So I started to look for recipe book stands and come to find out they’re quite expensive and really hard to come across. Drew and I chatted, I found a good template plan that would fit my books and we worked on it one afternoon creating this book stand. It’s very easy to do with using things we already had laying around in our wood shop.

What You Need

  • Scrap Wood
  • Wood Glue
  • Paint & Paint Brushes
  • Nails
  • Poly

What To Do

  1. First we grabbed the wood we thought would work, we had leftover pieces of thin plywood that worked perfect. Measured out our book against the wood. Making sure it would fit inside perfectly.
  2. Once we grabbed our measurements we started cutting. Making sure our degree was 60 angle.
  3. Wood glued the sides together and solidly putting it together with our nail gun.
  4. Next sand it down and smooth it out.
  5. Fill holes with poly and wait too dry.
  6. Once the poly is dry go ahead and paint or stain!

I’m leaving a measurement template below. As for what type of wood you should use, I wouldn’t say anything super specific. This was plywood. I liked the thinner style look myself, but feel free to use a thicker style of wood as well! Whatever your preference may be! Either way I know that it will turn out great. It does wonders and works like a dream. It seems like a very decorative piece but in all honesty it has so much purpose in my kitchen when I whip up recipes! haha

Template Measurements

Finished Look

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