10 Healthy Habits for When You’re Working From Home | IRIS

Working from home is something that I never thought would happen but something I always dreamed of. I have been working from home for 5 years now and with this past year and the card that has been dealt for many of us, more and more of us are also working from home and although it can get a little tedious it is also a lot of fun. But there are always times where we have to remind ourselves to take those breaks and keep a healthy routine even when we;re working from home.

I have found that these ten habits below have really become just that, habits which I love and enjoy. I really notice more productivity and a more relaxed mind during the day and evening. Because when you bring your work home but you work at home sometimes it’s hard to mix the two. So we all need to find things that help us get through the work day at home and keep all the stress in the home office or out of it completely!

10 Healthy Habits for When You’re Working From Home | IRIS

  1. Open Windows and Fresh Air– If you have the means to do this, please do. Open your curtains, your blinds, the window and let that fresh air in. If it rains I find it even more relaxing hearing the rain outside my cracked window. It’s so soothing. Sometimes I need a little glimpse of sun and warmth so opening my blinds feels so good to get that little bit of vitamin d.
  2. Move Your Body– Every once in a while I can feel my legs getting sore or my eyes, I keep my body moving every time I feel the cramps. I seem to move around more which is fine because it gives me a good mental break as well.
  3. Take Breaks– I find I do this more that I work from home, taking breaks. More breaks but in smaller amounts of time. A few minutes here and there. It takes the focus off my work for a few minutes to clear my head to get back to the screen.
  4. Healthy Snacks– I always leave healthy snacks laying around. Fruits, veggies & dip, trail mix. I usually snack on them throughout the day.
  5. Glasses & Contacts– I keep my glasses and contacts real close to my desk. I also have the blue light glasses from IRIS that I find help immensely. I often feel the strain if I’m on the screen too much so it’s really important to wear them as much as possible when working online.
  6. Headphones – Once in a while I love a good listen to a podcast or soft sounding music. So when I’m in the mood I’ll put on something on my headphones and it totally helps me ease into the day.
  1. Water & Tea– Stay hydrated! I leave my water bottle on my desk filled all day and then around lunch time I’ll grab some caffeine with coffee or tea.
  2. Simple exercises at your desk– I like to challenge myself a little and create fun exercise at my desk to also get my body moving a little and to reduce cramps.
  3. Get good rest at night– Always always always, getting a good rest at night is the best for a full work day!
  4.  Pets– The best part of working from home is Macy’s company, so even just having her nearby cuddling me fills my soul just a little bit.

Working from home is a blessing and I enjoy it so much, but there are days that are harder than others. So picking some of these healthy habits will for sure help you and mix things up a little so that you can have an easy work day at home while also maintaining that healthy lifestyle!

Keisha Lynne, xx

{Disclosure this post was sponsored post as part of an collaboration program, however all opinions are my own}

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