10 Reasons Why Goldendoodles Make For a Great Family Pet

You all have seen our Macy girl and have been watching her grow. If you follow me on Instagram you’re probably know how much we love her with all the IG stories and posts. But guys, this dog is our dream dog. She’s amazing. She’s all kinds of goodness. This girl is a handful, yes. I’m not going to deny that for one minute. She’s a puppy still so she’s all kinds of trouble. But beyond all that trouble I’m going to dish out why I think Goldendoodles are a great family pet. Even more so a great families first puppy. 

Macy is our first family dog and it’s been awesome watching the kids love on her and share responsibility with her. Ella helps take her for a pee, they both feed her and Owen loves to walk her. So we all have our hands in the pot for this puppy and its with no doubt super easy for all of us to take care of her. 

I have to admit that I was super nervous at first that this wouldn’t work out, I think Drew could share this same feeling. We were super scared that it would all fall apart and we’d be a terrible dog family. But we wanted to give it our all and devote what each of us could to maintain this. We would itch for this personality in a dog that could grow with our family, love it and explore the outdoors with us. And with Macy’s we have that! She is a great family dog. 

10 Reasons Why Goldendoodles Make For a Great Family Pet

  1. Loyalty. Dogs are always known for their loyalty. But Golden Doodles are LOYAL to you. She will follow you around like a lovesick puppy all the time. She will not leave your side. 
  2. Cuddly. Lap dog extraordinaire. She is the cuddliest pup ever. And I’m not even complaining about that. 
  3. Smart. Goldendoodles have an amazing insight and man are they smart. Training has been a breeze. Must say though her poodle side of stubbornness does show up once in awhile. 
  4. Hypo-Allergenic. Great for anyone in a family who may be allergic and anyone who hates shedding. This is the breed for you. 
  5. Playful. She could play circles around all of us. And she usually makes her way through each family member playing. 
  6. FRIENDLY. I’ve never met a dog in my life that was so friendly. She literally wouldn’t hurt a fly she is friendly. Such a sweet dog. 
  7. Athletic. Like I said earlier she loves to play but another really great thing about this breed is their love for exercise. They are ready to walk, run or chase through water. They love the water. 
  8. Emotionally Sensitive. They are also really neat on how much they pick up through emotions and energy. They react and feel it. Which makes them super awesome support animals as well. 
  9. House Training. IS the easiest with a goldendoodle. Because they are so intelligent. Picking up tricks or potty training is a breeze with her. 
  10. Personality. They really do have great personalities. Like I said they are super sweet dogs which means they love to please you and make you happy and make sure your loved. They understand a lot and care a lot.

If you ever have any questions on golden doodles, I’m not an expert but would love to help with any questions you might have!

Keisha Lynne, xx

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