Happy 3rd Birthday Ella | Swan So Sweet
Our little girl is three today, it’s amazing and quite depressing how fast time flies and how grown up our children are becoming. I’m so incredibly proud of our young lady and so happy that we share a common interest, all things pink, sweet and pretty!
Today we share Ella’s 3rd birthday and also celebrate our the life of our sweet grandmother Nan, who passed away this day last year! Some may think it would be a daunting day but for myself I don’t mind it. It’s day that will always be celebrated for these two awesome ladies in my life. Though Ella only known her for a short time I truly believe they had a connection.
Ella is a light in our family and we’re very blessed to have her. All of her the good days and the nasty, drama filled days. She’s the only one who might actually get me in this family, we speak the same language, Crazy Lady!!
We decided to put together a little joint party for both her and Owen on Sunday. This was the table all set up and within a hour the power went out for the rest of the evening which meant having to cancel the party! A little disappointed, it still ended up being a great night for the two of them with presents from their grandparents and eating cake to themselves!!
Vanilla Cake & Cookies | Vanilla Bean Bakery
Banner Cake Topper & Swan Cupcake Toppers | Glitter Paper Scissors
Sprinkle Tower | Dainty Sprinkle
Floral Cups & Treat Holders | Joonie & Joe
Swan Tee | Whistle & Flute
Swan Pony Ties | Plum Polka Dot
Pink Flowers | Minter Gardens
Swan Socks | Petite Littles
Keisha Lynne, xx
Where can I get the same swan cake topper?
I got it from a shop called Glitter Paper Scissors on Etsy!!