Another fun holiday is around the corner. We love cooking big meals for holidays even if it means there is only the four of us. We still love it and appreciate it. And eat it all up! I love to set our beautiful table up and display it nice for our family. It was a long time dream to finally have a nice table of my own and we certainly make use of it.
DIY Heart Wreath | Valentines Goodies
Love making up cute little treats for the kids! When they’re easy, fun and keep them quiet for a few minutes, its perfect! I got together with my two favourite ladies Codi from Creative Wife Joyful Worker and Julie Christine. We put together a cute, little Valentines Day goodie table that’s easy to put together and create for anyone!
…I HEART YOU Valentines Kids Party
It’s all about the little ones this year, and sharing the love on Valentines Day. Celebrating something sweet and meaningful. I love to show the kids some fun and treats on this day and leading up to it. I love that it doesn’t have to be about presents and all about treats. To me it’s about showing them the fun in the day, to celebrate people we love everyday. Appreciation for relationships that matter in our life. And while doing that making it fun and creative!
…TIC TAC TOE Valentines Treats
Okayyyyyy! I’ve started the Valentines Day vibes over here. I’m not one to celebrate every little holiday but I always make a exception for of course Christmas and Valentines Day. Which is something basically imprinted from a very young age with my mother!
I love to be able to create something small and something thats fun and different for the kids to enjoy. Doesn’t always have to be big and beautiful. Or expensive. Something they can do with me.
Today Ella and I had some quiet time and put together some fun things to celebrate. These Tic Tac Toe treats you can enjoy for yourself or even treat your friends. Easy to make and fun to play with!

Happy 4th Birthday Sweet Ella
To our sweet little Ella Lynne on her 4th Birthday…
Girl, you are the light in this family that shines every single day. Your heart is pure gold and you have a smile that pierces us inside deep. Your kind words and sassy attitude can’t help but make us smile. Your more personality than I ever thought could be and everyday we are so thankful for that. You help remind us that girly things like princess’s and pink are an everyday thing and it’s never to much. You help keep us in check with what is cool for toys and whats not. …
DIY | Floral Heart Wreath
A few weeks ago a friend had reached out to me about needing some help with her daughters 2nd birthday. She needed two things from me; to take some photos and to make up some florals. She had visioned something special and I helped her make it happen and created it! It turned out way better then I imagined. It was also way easier then I thought it would be!…
Celebrate Your Galentine {Brunch Party}
One of my biggest goals for this new year, after leaving my job was to make more of an effort to visit my friends. To have more coffee dates, play dates and just good old fashion hang out time. Reconnecting and enjoying the friendships that are closest to me. Somewhere down the line, between the house, full time work, kids etc. It was one thing that I sometimes slacked, not on purpose but just because life gets way to busy and out of control!…
STAR LIGHT STAR BRIGHT | New Years with Kids DIY’s
As most of us prepare for an evening dressed up and out kid free for New Years, our little family will be spending it home with kids. Like most years, we don’t really go out and celebrate. It’s really hard to find things to do for New Years outside of the house. Every year we find ourselves in this dilemma and I refuse to spend it like another day. Because it’s not, my hope is for my littles to look back over their year and appreciate everything they were blessed with good and the bad. Despite it all we’ve made some huge accomplishments! Sooo finding fun things to do at home to make ringing in the New Year a little more special, well we’ve got a plan in mind…….
Happy 3rd Birthday Ella | Swan So Sweet
Happy 3rd Birthday Ella | Swan So Sweet
Our little girl is three today, it’s amazing and quite depressing how fast time flies and how grown up our children are becoming. I’m so incredibly proud of our young lady and so happy that we share a common interest, all things pink, sweet and pretty! …
Floral Celebration
Floral Celebration
Amidst the chaos of Summer I had forgotten to share with you the details from the very exciting blog anniversary, year 2! Two years has become much more busier for myself then I ever thought it would be. Hence the long wait on this post. But it’s been ever so rewarding with newer and bigger campaigns. Trips past and coming up in the future. Family events and goodies. Loving Littles Blog has become a very successful brand in our home and I continue to make sure it does. All while balancing everything else in life!…