Things Moms Should Never Apologize For

image-45In a perfect world our children wouldn’t scream, cry, kick or scatter messes throughout the home. Our hair would be cleanly styled everyday and our home would be magically clean all the time. We’d come down the stairs every morning feeling like we’re floating on clouds instead of walking zombies. Instead of feeding on humans we feed on caffeine multiple times a day. Those things are all nice and stuff, but not real life.

The best thing about all of that is we’re not alone. We’re all just trying to keep up and do the best we can. As a result of our chaotic life that surrounds us, we feel the need to apologize for it. We have this constant urge to say ‘I’m sorry’. To our kids, family, friends, other parents and complete strangers. While sure sometimes it’s needed, most of the times it’s not. Sometimes it’s said without even knowing the reasoning behind it. NO matter how terrible it may seem to be, don’t let the guilt get in your way. I think it’s time to be sorry for not being sorry.

It’s time to be true to ourselves and our parenting. The more comfortable we are with ourselves as parents the less we’ll feel the need to defend it. Because we’re not perfect parents, we all make mistakes. Our children are not perfect and they make mistakes. We need to be proud of the good and forget about all the wrongs. It’s time to be proud of the mountain of dishes and your messy hair, house or car! etc.

Things Moms Should Never Apologize For

  • House – It’s true what they say cleaning your home with children is like brushing your teeth while eating Oreos. Forget it!


  • Being Late – It really doesn’t matter how on time you are there will always be a poopy diaper when your walking out the door. Or a forgotten toy that can’t be left behind. Your going to be late…
  • Taking Me Time – Because it’s good for you, hence it’s good for the family. Everyone wins.
  • Asking For Help – We can’t be expected to do it all. We need help once in a while and shouldn’t feel bad for asking.
  • Your Looks – Messy buns and leggings are in. Also vanity really goes out the window when it comes to keeping small humans alive.
  • Child’s Meltdown – Kids have them. They cry. They whine and scream. They test your limits and your patience. Nothing new and your child isn’t the only one in the world that behaves that way!
  • Children’s Looks – It really doesn’t matter how many times a day you scrub them down or change their clothes. For some reason that can’t be explained they always run back to you in disarray.
  • Your Parenting – We all do things are own way. We do work for us.
  • Saying ‘I Can’t’ – Sometimes we need to set limits. We can’t be everything to everyone all the time.

When you are truly genuine there will invariably be people who do not accept you. And in that case, you must be your own badass self, without apology.”-Katie Goodman

  • Eating Out – It’s called family restaurant for a reason.
  • Missing Out – It’s not that you don’t love your friends. They should understand. Sometimes it just doesn’t work out. Your kids come first, and they’re will always be another time!
  • Your Emotions – Because a good cry over a glass of wine while word vomiting always feels so goooodd!
  • Loving To Much – Never apologize for loving them to much. For posting to many pictures or being really excited about their accomplishments. Never apologize for giving them five kisses and five hugs while they wait at the school line up. Never be sorry for always talking about your kids. They are the best thing in your world and you should be proud!

I hope you never feel you should be sorry for things that in life, as parents are completely normal. I’ve made a lot of mistakes and I don’t dwell over them as much as I use to because being a mom for a second time around I realize that this is life. It messy, loud and a lot of fun! I dishes in the sink, there’s mountain of laundry hanging out on my bed and my living room floor is hidden with toys. Having a messy home, child or yourself is a sign that your being the best parent you can be. Your kids have you and that’s all that matters!

Keisha xx


  1. Yes to all of these! I have finally gotten use to having one child and think I have it down alright, although there are definitely some hard days, but baby #2 is due next month. I\’m sure it will be back to square one and dealing with all of these X 2!

  2. You are right! Other moms know these are hard to do and they understand. I have a hard time letting go of a few of these. I may have an excuse with having kids but I strive hard not to use them as an excuse. Punctuality is one of my main ones. I hate being late. This reminds me though that it\’s okay to let some of these go!

  3. My favorite is the one about your house. I have tried to clean the house for a party with a two year old who wants to help… impossible! I never judge the state of a moms house!

  4. Oh this is so true! Some days I\’ll look pretty good, until my child needs picking up out of a muddy puddle or something and I get covered too. Even when you try your hardest you can still end up looking like a tramp!

  5. Wonderful list. I\’m not a mother but I see this happen a lot and not just with mothers but women in general. Sometimes you have to make an \”unconventional\” choice that fits you or your families current needs and that\’s okay. You know what\’s in your heart and what your true intentions are and as long as that\’s the case then rock on!

  6. Thank you for these reminders. We need to stop apologizing and people need to accept that we\’re parents. It happens, life happens, we run late, our house is messy.

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