Valentines Day

Mini Blueberry Heart Pies

I started this little fun one the other week I had full intentions of it actually not working out because a lot of what I try to do just doesn’t work out as planned sometimes. This one though threw me for a curve ball and not only turned out great but also tasted so good to.

See, I’m one of those weirdos that just doesn’t like pie crusts so this was kinda perfect for me. My husband thinks I’m crazy, I’m just not a crust person in general hahaha

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DIY Heart Wreath | Valentines Goodies

Love making up cute little treats for the kids! When they’re easy, fun and keep them quiet for a few minutes, its perfect! I got together with my two favourite ladies Codi from Creative Wife Joyful Worker and Julie Christine. We put together a cute, little Valentines Day goodie table that’s easy to put together and create for anyone!

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TIC TAC TOE Valentines Treats

Okayyyyyy! I’ve started the Valentines Day vibes over here. I’m not one to celebrate every little holiday but I always make a exception for of course Christmas and Valentines Day. Which is something basically imprinted from a very young age with my mother!

I love to be able to create something small and something thats fun and different for the kids to enjoy. Doesn’t always have to be big and beautiful. Or expensive. Something they can do with me.

Today Ella and I had some quiet time and put together some fun things to celebrate. These Tic Tac Toe treats you can enjoy for yourself or even treat your friends. Easy to make and fun to play with!

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Heart Churro Waffles | Recipe

Good Morning!!

Now these might look like some normal yummy tasting waffles to you, but I added something a little more special to make them taste even better. I made these for the Valentines Day we had last week, and as a failed mother I made them after Owen went to school so when he came home after and there was only one left for him… Let’s just say I got into some BIG trouble! So I defiantly need to make these again they were that good. Easy to!…

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Celebrate Your Galentine {Brunch Party}

One of my biggest goals for this new year, after leaving my job was to make more of an effort to visit my friends. To have more coffee dates, play dates and just good old fashion hang out time. Reconnecting and enjoying the friendships that are closest to me. Somewhere down the line, between the house, full time work, kids etc. It was one thing that I sometimes slacked, not on purpose but just because life gets way to busy and out of control!…

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Galentines Day Gift Ideas

Galentines Day Gift Ideas

I’ve gotta say I love my man so much, and I’ll take any opportunity to buy him something nice because I think he totally deserves it! This month Drew & I have lots to celebrate his birthday, my birthday & our anniversary. But this Valentines Day I’m thinking of my friends for a change! Sorry hunny!

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Heart Eyes {Valentines Day Party}

Heart Eyes {Valentines Day Party}

All the heart eyes over here on this Valentines day Party that myself and a group of friends put together! If theres ever a time to party it’s gotta be Valentines Day. It may seem like a minor holiday, but to us it’s important to celebrate LOVE! Especially with little ones, they love to party and they sure do have a whole lotta LOVE to give!…

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