
Let’s Pass It Down To Our Kids | Light Recycling Habits!!

You know the phrase, “Monkey see, monkey do”? When you’re a family with little children, you know how true this can be! They watch us – constantly and everything we do and say is imprinted in their minds. Children so badly want to mimic the things we do as parents and want to be involved. When it comes to habits in my home that display values of home cleaning, responsibility, kindness to others, and recycling, I try really hard to make sure my kids follow my lead. 

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Taking Care of Your Skin Naturally with Naturalene

For many year growing up and part of my adulthood I remember using just about whatever on my face and body. Products that were cheap and easy to grab. I never looked into labels or ingredients. I simply just read what it did and bought it. Then I attended aesthetics school. There would be my altering decision to stop all of that. That’s where I truly understood and learnt the idea of natural products and the effects that using other toxic ones would do to our skin. 

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Loving Your Skin with La Roche-Posay


Loving Your Skin with La Roche-Posay

All year long I struggle with dry skin, it isn’t just during winter days for this mama. Since I have recently hoped on the La Roche-Posay wagon, it’s been a thrill! I have tried a lot of different lotions over the years and many don’t stand the test when it comes to my overly sensitive eczema-prone skin. But Lipikar Body Lotion does the trick!…

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Only Essentials With Vitruvi


Only Essentials With Vitruvi

Ladies, if you’ve been searching for an amazing all natural, premium, smell good products, Vitruvi is totally what you need! I recently started to look for a quality, organic product thats just for me & I found this. I’m so excited to share with you the benefits of this product and they’re love for essential oils. Real, organic beautiful smelling oils!…

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Well I’m no pro when it comes to gardening, my whole family has been blessed with that “Green Thumb” except for me. It’s really the funniest thing. I try, let me tell you, I give it my all, but despite my better efforts I FAIL! I have so much nurturing to give, it just doesn’t work out for me!…

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Mayarya | Function & Fashion

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Mayarya | Function & Fashion.

Yes, that’s right. I’m wearing maternity clothes and no I’m not pregnant! You can put those shocked faces away! I recently stumbled across Mayarya recently from a photo on Instagram where I saw a mom wearing beautiful dress and wasn’t pregnant. After doing some Insta researching I found out that this clothing line is more than just maternity. …

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