
Summer Evenings Enjoying Crescent Beach British Columbia

These little moments enjoying the beautiful places in our own backyard are crucial this Summer with the Covid happenings. We are making every stitch effort we can to still enjoy all the little moments and places that are so close to us including this beauty little spot Crescent Beach.

I say Crescent Beach British Columbia because there is actually a Crescent Beach in Nova Scotia that Drew and I use to visit quite often when we first started to date and it became a special place to us! We even did our wedding photos there!

One day last week we finally had a glimpse of sun and nice weather so my friend Kaila and I packed up our kids one evening and ventured for an adventure! hahaha It was a really sweet time and I’m so lucky we had the chance to spend that time with our friends just exploring and taking it all in. I love spots like this and glad we have this time at home to start taking advantage of exploring here more often creating memories.

While here we both took the opportunity to also snap some really cute pictures of our kids together and they turned out so lovely. If you’re in the mood for a little getaway Blackie Spit & Crescent Beach makes for a sweet time. It is the best photography location, literally perfect photo spots all over the place. Just down the road little spots to grab coffee and treats. We will for sure be heading back again this Summer to enjoy some more views and sand in the toes!

Keisha Lynne, xx

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