Mom’s Home Alone


You wait for this moment for what feels like a lifetime. Your family has started  putting on their shoes and packing up the bag. In about five minutes they will be leaving the house. All of them. Leaving you home ALONE! For real. How exciting is this feeling. To have 15 minutes alone in a shower is a luxury but to have your whole house all to yourself ALONE is pure paradise. Also a miracle! So quick what is the first thing you do?? There are so many things to do and to fit into a short amount of time. Where do you start??

I however had not had the house to myself in a very long time. During a daydream the other day I started thinking about it and wondered what I would do.. and well my brain started to wonder away from me and just the thought had me excited. It’s soon time to kick everyone out!

We all know there are those things that ‘Need to be Done’ like…

Things You Should Be Doing

  • Sweep and Mop the floors
  • Catch up on the mountain of laundry
  • Go to the grocery store and fill the home with food
  • Dishes need to be cleaned and put away
  • Organize the crazy unorganized cupboards overflowing
  • Clean out the kids closets and toys (much easier to clean out toys when their not home, right!)
  • Prep for dinner

But let’s be real. Those things are not fun, practical but is that really how you want to spend an hour of freedom in your home ALONE! Nope, but these things sound fun!

Things You Do Instead

  • Pinterest until your hands hurt
  • Catch up on PVR trash TV all while chugging back a glass (bottle) of wine
  • Clothes I guess optional..up to you. Your ALONE
  • Raid the junk food cupboard and just start to eat


  • Take a nap. Passing out on the couch and wake up with a drool covered pillow. That’s when you know you’ve entered dream land
  • Make a quick trip to the bathroom only to end up examining your pores, plucking your brows and throw on a face mask
  • Turn up the music and practice your dance moves… or Prancercise. Your choice your home ALONE..

  • Wait for everyone to get home because now your bored and you miss them!

If your ever in shell shock in the moment of being alone. Frozen and not sure where to begin. Refer back to this to get you back into the flow of being home ALONE. Embrace it ladies!


Keisha xx


  1. I\’m not a mom but this is a typical sunday night for me. I love to dance around in my living room to 80\’s classic and drink wine and eat popcorn when I really should be studying.

  2. OMG! I can relate so many things that you have shared. But my favorite is lousing on my couch with pop corn in my hands and watching movies on Netflix…hahah. Thanks for sharing this post!

  3. I\’m usually so stunned that I\’m actually alone that I end up trying to do a little bit of everything–only to end up doing much of nothing! 🙂

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