Who doesn’t love creative fun snacks? haha its like food art but with a twist. It’s kind of exciting and fun to make and eat. Ella and I recently put these three ideas together for a recent post we worked on with Save On Foods. It went so well and everyone loved it!
We’re sharing today how we made each one and what we used for them. It’s actually quite easy to do and not that difficult to put together or make. Most things we just got creative with the items we already had in our cupboard in only really picked up a few things from Save On Foods to make this happen. I think the best thing about this is that there really isn’t a right or wrong way in making these. Be as creative as you’d like with the food you have around!

What We Used:
Cream Cheese + Blue Food Colouring + Veggies + Rice Cakes + Gold Fish
How We Made Them:
First we mixed the blue food colouring into the cream cheese, stirred it up and started to spread the sea colour cream cheese and used carrots, peas and broccoli for the coral affect. Topped with our gold fish! Looks so cute, like they’re swimming in the sea!


What We Used:
Apples + Core Puncher + Nutella + Icing + Sprinkles
How We Made Them:
We sliced the apples sideways to get the whole round apple slice, taking a small object that’s round, we punched out the centre. Then spread our icing, next time I would totally use Nutella. Topped with sprinkles!


What We Used:
Breton Morning Toast Crackers + Cream Cheese + Hard Granola Bars + Fruit + Veggies + Sunflower Seeds
How We Made Them:
Grabbing our Breton crackers we spread them fully with cream cheese. We crushed our hard granola bars so it gave a crumb texture and spread them on the bottom of our cracker. Then we added flower stems and leaves using our fruit + veggies. We added nuts and sunflower seeds for petals to!

And that’s it! Super easy to make and I have to say that each one was a very tasty to treat for after school or even just snack time in general at home or in school lunches. It’s fun to mix it up once and awhile and get creative! I know Ella and I really enjoy seeing what we make and eating it to!

Keisha Lynne, xx