Finding the most scenic outdoor hot springs was a highlight of my Spring. I love Harrison Hot Springs, it has all the things an adorable little town needs to have a really awesome day away or vacation. But this is a little gem that I’m happy to enjoy and I really think it’s just so cool. I mean Natural Hot Springs are the coolest thing that Mother Nature gave us!
Not too long ago I took the kids to find this little spot to enjoy with them. I had gone a week prior and told them all about my fun solo adventure finding it and honestly both of their voices went “awwww, you didn’t take us there”. By hearing that I kinda had a feeling that they really wanted to check it out.

We packed up a little hiking bag full of things I knew we’d need before heading out. Note; there are no change rooms your literally out in nature so I recommend wearing your bathing suit under your clothing. Pack towels, blankets, good wearing shoes, water, sunblock if it’s sunny of course. We brought snacks and a few other odds and ends to wear back to the car without getting too cold. Thats the worst part getting out after soaking in the warm water. RIGHT!
Health Benefits of Natural Hot Springs
Natural hot springs have been floating around the world for centuries and they really do have some amazing health benefits that everyone could really benefit from.
- Increase blood circulation and oxygenation
- Stimulate toxin elimination
- Promotes restful sleep
- Treats skin irritations like rashes and eczema
- Treats arthritic pain
- Heals dry scalp
- Helps internal digestive problems and menopause
- Reduce stress
How Do Hot Springs Work?
A hot spring forms when groundwater is heated by geothermal heat. Geothermal refers to natural heat produced within the earth’s mantle. As the convection currents within the mantle move, the heat is pushed upward, slowly cooling as it gets closer to the surface. When water is in the earth’s crust, it is heated. Natural hot springs contain a plethora of minerals such as: boron, calcium, chloride, sodium, sulfate, lithium, potassium, magnesium, manganese, iron, silica, zinc, fluoride, phosphate, nitrogen, and others.

Just to sit in the quiet is so peaceful, even on rainy days you can’t beat it!
Temperature | To be honest I didn’t take a thermometer down there with me, so I can’t tell you the exact temperature haha. But I will say that it is warm enough to soak for awhile without getting overheated. The smaller hot spring in the photo below is much hotter so I’d say soak for 5-10 minutes and you’ll start getting pretty hot!
Pets | Can totally go with you, I must say that I don’t recommend them sitting in them to long and I wouldn’t suggest them going into the smaller hotter hot spring. But the bigger one Macy did come in for a little swim, but she knew what she could handle and didn’t spend much time hanging out in it with us.

Sharing the fun adventure is a bonus having two kids that are always open to new adventures, exploring and hiking with me. They are so much fun and I love sharing moments like this with them that they can take with them when they grow up!

Keisha Lynne, xx