Free Your Play & Get Your Family Outside with Kamik

What does Free Your Play mean to you?

While I started to search for my answer, I remembered back to my childhood days. Waking up first thing in the morning, grabbing my younger sister and heading outside. Growing up on the East Coast it didn’t matter what time of the year it was you just dressed accordingly and you went outside to explore.

Summers was in the treehouse playing kitchen, Spring was of course mud puddles and sloppy mud soups, Winter we usually made igloos and snow angels. And other than simply playing we also explored the forests behind our home, berry picked, helped my mother in her garden and yard. Picking up and learning things that I thought meant nothing then means something to me now. 

Times have somehow changed and Kamik has been trying to make this change for us by launching their #FreeYourPlay campaign, reminding us to get outside and get our kids involved in FREE PLAY! No TV, no organized sports. Using their imaginations and being creative with their playtime. They have created a line of footwear that makes it so easy to get out there and not complain about wet or freezing cold feet. Kamik has designed quality leading footwear for the whole family, stylish and perfect for everyday wear and tear that comes along with being outside! They have focused their creations around just that.

As an adult now, I still love to play. I’m not as free as I use to be, but for me I love watching my kids when they watch me be carefree acting like a child. No worries no stress! It’s when I see them happiest. Playing tag outside in the rain, grabbing the sled and rushing to go down a hill before them. Skip rope or even just playing sports like soccer or badminton. My kids help remind me to feel free and playful! I try my best to break the adult rules and jump in puddles! I will try so hard this season to make sure my kids get outdoors and play!

Kamik has been around for a very long time, a family owned and operated Canadian company. They are dedicated to substantially recycling products and a zero waste production. Each boot is designed with the utmost care. Fully insulated and waterproof. Comfortable and a design and colour choice for anyone! I have gained so much respect for this company the more I learn about them and try them out for myself. I love that it’s so easily affordable, long lasting and for the whole family!

Today’s post isn’t just about a review about a product you see here, it’s serves as a reminder as well. For me and for you, as parents we get going and sometimes we forget to just be kids ourselves and get outside. Have fun in the wild and make believe like we used to!

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Photography | Kaila Wren Photography


Keisha Lynne, xx

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