8 Pretty & FREE Insta Story Apps

Alright alright alright… So my number one question I get in my DM’s probably once a day is “What Insta Story App are you using?” I love helping out anyone struggling to create something new to their feed and life. Today I’m sharing 6 FREE Pretty Easy To Use Insta Story Apps that I love!

The creative side of me loves to dig into new apps and play around with fonts, colours, adding and just changing things up a bit. I like to make things look pretty. Reality my life isn’t always created to be perfect. I love the way Insta-Stories lets us challenge the real side of our everyday and the raw feel of it all. But at the same time I like to change things up a bit and make it a little more fun for myself and viewers. 

We all know how important and valuable instal-stories are to buisness’s and it’s a gateway into leading viewers to your profile, and hopefully lead to a growing number for engagement. Its all worth the time you put into creating Insta-Stories. No, I’m not saying they all have to be pretty and curated alll the time. But when I have a free few minutes and I want to channel that creative itch I will have a little fun with these Insta-story Apps. All 6 of them to be exact are so much fun, free and easy to use!

8 Pretty & FREE Insta Story Apps 

  1. Canva

Such an easy download to your phone. I use this for literally everything I need to do when it comes to creating images. Pinterest, Facebook, Instagram, Insta Stories. You name it you can do it. I also love to use it for gift guides! 


2. UnFold

I get so many DM’s asking me what app this is. Well, it’s a game changer. You can create the font, add colour, add video into the little squares and just go with it. Then once in your Insta-Story you can also add whatever features you would like to add on top of that. 

3. Hype Type

Used quite a bit this one adds a fun feature to moving text image to any photo. Super easy to use and free to download with lots of options. 

4. Over

This one is fairly new to me but perfect for sneaking in sneak peeks of blog posts and creating a different headline for it. Lots of colour, lots of fonts to feature! So much to do!


5. InShot

Also a newer one to me, just as exciting. You can also create collages, retouch images with filters, stickers and blur background! A different way to create stories just as fun. 

6. Pinso 

Ok, I’ve been looking for a app that gives cute little sticker features. Finally found one, this one you can also have a pattern background to just add text. You just have to download this one and see for yourself. It’s a great way to create the best looking Pinterest templates to!

7. Adobe PhotoShop Fix

Gahh, you ever have something in your photo that you wish would just go away?? This app you can freely remove objects out of photos before posting on Insta-Stories or Instagram as well! 

8. StoryArt

Add a little subtle minimalist feel to your story and make it your own. Not to much to add just a little something fun.  




So like I said all of these apps are FREE and really easy to download and use. But if for any reason you have a question or need some help please feel free to email me lovinglittlesblog@outlook.com Have fun getting freely creative!


Keisha lynne, xx

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