With all of our travels our bags have been packed, unpacked and packed again. It’s been tiring but there are some items that keep making their way back into our bags so I’ve kind of just been keeping them packed and ready to go at all times! Or some things that have been getting us through the Summer and heat wave!
A lot of these items are new to me and just starting to use this season! What are some of your Summer Obsessions right now?? What can you not live without when your traveling or even just enjoying this Summer??
- Imagine Perry Matching Mom & Mini Bathing Suits | GAP Kids Sunglasses
2. SunBlock | Riversol La Roche Posay Neutrogena & Osmosis
3. Hello Fresh Dinners
4. Skylar Perfume | FREE SHIPPING CODE
5. Chelsea King Scrunchies
7. Nespresso
All of these things are serving purpose to my Summer and keeping me relatively sane. Its been such a busy, hot & fun filled Summer so far I don’t want it to end!
Keisha Lynne, xx