Lately, I’ve been feeling like a quick pick me up. A late night splurge on some inspiration and while reading and writing and working all at once just can’t be pulled off. I figured out a way to try and of course, multi-task it all! So while I write I listen and lately I’ve been researching and finding podcasts that really resonate with me as a influencer, buisness gal and just simply on life. Perspective and reminders of what really matters!
I really needed a new voice in my ear helping lift me up and influence me for once. It’s been really eye opening to listen to whats truly helpful for others, finding a niche or it can really help you find a way for you. Podcasts are a great way to learn new things about blogging and about life in general. Some of the ones I’ve been listening to have such lovely accents I walk away pretending I’m British! And some just make you laugh about random things. Some have made me stop and remind me that life is always a learning lesson for everything we do. Some have filled me with a overwhelming amount of gratitude.
All in all this is where you can find me late at night…
This is a list of wonderful ladies who will pick you up and while you listen and work steer you in your right direction.
- Jenna Kutcher – Goal Digger
It’s been a classic for many, but I just didn’t get a chance myself to listen to it fully. I’m so happy I did, she’s so uplifting and so real. Thank Goodness!! Go take a listen and get swept away in some real inspiration.
2. Me & Orla – HashTag Authentic
I love love love this lady! She is simple wonderful to follow on Instagram and I just fell in love with her even more listening to her honest podcasts with some amazing guests. I loved hearing their stories, where they came from and how they came to be! Lots of awesome tips to.
3. Sophia Amouruso – Girl Boss
Netflix episodes we’re so AH-MAZING that I knew I had to listen to a few of these babies. And it is a great way to just destress and walk away from the crazy and listen to some really inspiring woman talk about their struggles and life and how they are killing it right now!
4. Lucy Lu Craft – The Podcast
The guest influencers and experts in this industry just make these podcasts so interesting! My favourites are mostly UK, which is also interesting to hear how blogging works in other parts of the world! Love it
5. Ingrid & Cat – Ladies Who Lunch
These two are simply the cutest, and they really dive into real life struggles as ladies. Friends, influencers etc. Just life in general and how it really effects us all while having just fun and giving a good laugh!
6. Julie Solomon – Influencer Podcast
This lady is a total boss. She covers so many topics its insane. I learnt so much from listening to her and that overcoming perfection needs to be a thing. Especially in our generation with social media as it is. And how much more important goal setting is!
7. Jessica & Jacklyn – All Up In Your Business
Hilarious and so personal! Loved their strategies and how they tackle topics I wouldn’t normally think that I would need to think about. They really love to cover all topics of social media and not just one!
I do hope that these help to inspire you and help give your motivation an uplifting feel to get things started. Maybe you feel a rut or need a new way to look at things for your blog, buisness or just life in general! Sometimes we just need to learn!
Keisha Lynne, xx
I love the influencer podcast!