When you hear the word “Blogger” what comes to mind for you? Is it influencer? Social Media Guru? The so called “Free Stuff” (not actually free stuff though)? Those are just a few of them that might. There is a lot more behind blogging then those terms. There’s a lot more behind the scenes that you might not really know. I know I didn’t when I first started and I’m still learning. Some like to say to me “You have a Dream Job” yes it is a dream job but it’s not a perfect dream job. No job is always perfect with sunshine and rainbows greeting you every morning!
Like any other job it comes with some bitter truths, some may not like to spill the beans about those but I don’t mind. I feel like it needs to be said especially with social media the way it is today. Pretty photos & free stuff! What you don’t see is what it takes to create that photo and what those things actually mean to us!
It takes a lot of hard work and I have said this before I work harder and more now then I did when I worked full time and blogged. This is my way I contribute for my family. This is my job and how I help raise my children. I love so much what I do and I would never ask for anything more or anything less. It’s been a huge blessing for me and with all of these truths there are the good and the bad. You only ever see the good!
One thing that I’m most appreciative of is the connections it’s made in my life. The women I have met along the way. I have never been more inspired, uplifted and motivated by the people around then right now. Every person I have worked with and created with has shown me a new appreciation for what it means to have a village. Since the moment I became young and pregnant with Owen I dreamt of the day of having motherhood connection, I never had that in my life. I can finally say that I do. That’s thanks to this journey that I’m on. It’s growing and it’s building and it’s the best feeling in the the world to not be alone as a mother or woman!
Some Behind The Scenes Truths |
- You will hear 100 no’s before hearing one YES. Don’t let it get you down, use every no you hear as a learning curve
- You’re your own cheerleader so know your worth!
- Work & Paid Campaigns will not fall on your lap so beautifully. You gotta work your butt off do the research and work your butt off even more! Don’t give up
- For every party or shoot that I create just imagine two months prior of straight dedication and planning. Organizing and emailing. Pick up’s and delivery. And after all the hard work is finished your heart will, I guarantee you, flutter with pride!
- Invest Invest Invest! Sometimes it’s hard to invest into something that your so unsure about. From my experience it’s worth every penny you put into investing. Think of it this way, tax return and save your receipts!
- Balance your time and work. Remind yourself to take the evening off and the weekends. Or else you’ll feel permanently glued to your device and social media. Eventually it starts to make you go crazy! A healthy dose it good
- Don’t be afraid to ask for help. I try and ask whenever I feel it’s needed or of course I will say yes if someones offering! Don’t feel pride and say no, you’ll love the company and even better you’ll love the weight lifted off of your shoulders
- You gotta be loyal.
- You don’t have to say YES to everything! And forget the FOMO.
- The connections you will make will last you a lifetime. Trust me, the more you work with these friends the more family they’ll become!
At the end of the day I will gladly tell you I love what I do. Like many things life it comes with some bitter truths behind it. Not everything is as glamorous as it may appear. It’s all of course lovely and I appreciate the creative work that goes into every photo and to get into that moment of how it was created will probably blow your mind. It’s a lot of work. What some do to make these photos & moments happen. They deserve a big high five. They’re expressing their creative sides in a way they love the most! I have a whole other level of appreciation for bloggers and influencers!
Photo | Rebecca Lynn Photography
Keisha Lynne, xx
It’s insane how many wonderful inspirational women there are in this community. I have always admire your strenght to just dive in.
Thanks for sharing