Keeping My Family Safe | FortisBC Carbon Monoxide


Keeping My Family Safe | FortisBC Carbon Monoxide

It’s a scary thought to hear Carbon Monoxide is a “Silent Killer”. When you think about it, it really is and that’s hard being a mother trying to prevent the unimaginable from happening when you don’t even know it’s happening around you. In every home we’ve lived in we always had a CO detector to help us find the signs so I never feared too much. But, the more I started to read about it, the more I thought about the things we can do to help prevent the worst from happening. Many of these are preventable measures that can be done easily without much effort like booking annual inspections with eligible contractors found on Fortis BC’s website. As a mother, I know I like to control any situation that may stand in the way of my family’s safety. Which is why I’m talking more about CO poisoning in our home and creating more awareness!

It’s easy to get caught up in the thought of “It won’t happen to us”. But you just never know. It could happen to anyone. Knowing the signs and taking preventive measures can make a huge difference. I’m very lucky to have a husband who guides me toward what to look for. Before, I wouldn’t have a clue if you asked me. In my head things like CO poisoning just wasn’t an issue to worry about. That is until I had children and really started to worry about the unforeseen!


Carbon Monoxide is one of the most dangerous gasses that can accumulate in your home. It is colorless, tasteless, odorless and nearly impossible to be noticed without a CO detector. This poisonous gas blocks your body’s ability to absorb oxygen and begins to make you experience symptoms such as shortness of breath, chest pain, nausea, confusion, headaches, dizziness and at worst passing out. If you ever experience these symptoms and feel like there may be CO lingering in the air please check out your local emergency.

It’s really handy if everyone in your home knows what to look for & where. Checking breaks in tubes, dryer vents, leaks, cracks, corroded vent pipes, poor connections to gas pipes and improper installations. Maybe try doing a family walk around and point out places to look for emergencies like any boilers, furnaces, fireplaces, space heaters and ovens. It never hurts to have everyone educated! It really is extremely important to make sure you have working CSA certified CO detectors throughout your home. To find out where to properly set up follow this link

It’s recommended to replace CO detectors every 5 to 7 years and if you ever hear a beeping noise look for signs of condensation on your windows, plants drying out & if your whole family feels nauseous then exit your home immediately and call 911. The number one action to follow annually is to book inspections with a licensed contractor to make sure all lines and appliances are working and clear of any issues. It’s super easy to call and find a licensed contractor in your area here…


Just be aware that it can happen to you! But, a carbon monoxide detector and annual contractor inspections can save lives! It’s as easy as that. Come up with ways in your family to put this into action and further educate each other on what to do and look for. Make sure your detectors are always working and be in the know at your home! As mothers, as much as we like to control everything, some things are left unseen or known and we can’t help what we don’t see or know. If you have a minute go check out The Community Against Preventable Injuries website at to find outmore about how to prevent injuries.. So let’s make sure we keep our families safe by following these steps. Visit Fortis BC’s Contractor Page and find a contractor close to you and book your inspection!

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Photography By Little Treats Photography


  1. these pictures are adorable! i have heard terrible things happening so this is really good to be warning families about!

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