A Day In Our Life.
In all honesty, this should be titled A Day In Our Saturday Life. Our weekday life is a little more chaotic & unorganized. But instead of dragging you through our weekly chaos of work, soccer games, soccer practice, daycare, after school daycare, blog work & appointments in between. It’s hard to keep up some days, except for Saturdays. They are our days of somewhat resting. The days that we sort of sleep in & kind of do nothing while doing things all at the same time. If that makes sense!
We had a lovely visit by our newest friend Mila from Little Treats Photography to help us capture those moments that we forget about. Those moments that pass by all to fast because your either dreading them or they’re to perfect. Our life isn’t always fresh + crisp moments of perfection. Trust me. Ella’s that wild toddler with random melt downs, and Owen’s starting with attitude & testing out how lazy he can actually get away with being. Everyday Drew & I are just a juggling act, trying our best to raise our family & support each other.
Our mornings usually consist of A LOT of caffeine to actually wake our asses up. Gathering up the mess from the week like un-done dishes and tackling that mountain load of laundry we pretend to not see all week. Ella & Owen take some time to chill playing with toys, watching tv & games. Yes, electronics to!
Mid Day.
We get bored. No matter how hard we try to “Do Nothing” it always bites us in the the butt and gives us cabin fever. Trying to fit in that nap time where ever we actually can. Ella’s still in limbo with nap so everyday is a little different than others. Or those days happen like this day, where you know she needs one but fights not to nap. We play it by ear every weekend! This Saturday Drew took his nap & Ella’s for her! While he laid in a sleep coma all Saturday from the night shift before. No nap ended up happening here as much as it may look like it did for Ella. We were so gracefully blessed with a cranky girl all afternoon….
You can find us at the park. Which one? Any. Our favourite is visiting Cultus Lake. Perfect for us parents & little ones with the park right close and lots of walking trails! We love wondering around for drives and exploring the area we live in. On nice sunny days theres so much to see & do with these two little ones. We try to soak up every moment outside.
Evenings – 1am.
The dinner rush starts to happen & now Ella’s starting to slow down and have those sporadic melt downs over the smallest of things which seem huge in her little world. Slowing down seems to be close in the horizon but not really. Night time is blog time. The nightly grind of blog post, writing, emails, planning, organizing & inspiration for future goals starting to set in place. At this point I may be starting my second cup of coffee or inhaling some tea. What I do know is that after bath time, reading & fighting with two kids to GO THE FCUK TO SLEEP I really should be drinking my face off with some wine! But lets face it a hangover at 30 is way different than in your 20’s…. Am I right!? #5dayrecovery.
Weekends we keep it easy & real. Our lives are so rushed & on the go all the time. We need these down moments to re-fuel and absorb each other & simply remind ourselves that time goes by fast and we need to live in the moment. Sometimes we sneak in those occasionally visits with family or friends. Or the dentist. Our life is nothing fancy. Trust me dirty dishes still sit in our sink & toys lay everywhere in our home. Drew is currently digging into some fried chicken while I sit here late night writing!

Ella’s Shoes | Mini Moc | Ella’s Floral Dress | Little & Lively | Diaper Bag | Fawn Design Floral Jeans | Zara Jewelry | Hart + Stone Sandals | Union Jack Boots Mama Bird Tee | Lexi’s Loft
Photos By Little Treats Photography
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Keisha lynne, xx
Beautiful post. Sounds like a typical day here too especially bedtime ?