7 Things Being A Mother Has Taught Me
I swear every so often when the times change, I do as well. With every child I evolve just a little more into the person I truly feel I’m meant to be. I honestly never thought that I’d have children, I wasn’t one to plan out my wedding day or having babies. I remember before kids just doing my thing and being me! That wasn’t going to be our life forever…
I remember the first few days I was sick I knew I was pregnant with Owen but pretending it wasn’t true, until I actually had to face the facts. He was the greatest blessing in our lives. Drew and I cant even remember life before without him. It felt like we only started to really live after having him. Weird how that happens right!?
Ella came more planned this time, full of fire and sweet sass. She’s completed this little family of ours. On top of having children times in our lives just change anyhow without reason or planning. I’ve started to reflect these last few days on motherhood and how it’s changed me since being that self absorbed young girl pre-babies and into a self less, nurturing, hulk strength mother! I’m feel extremely blessed everyday for this journey and how lucky we are to have such incredible kids.
Happy Mothers Day to all you wonderful mothers out there!
If you had to think back to your life before becoming a Mother what are some things that have changed your life? What have you learnt about yourself? Or even how have you changed?
7 Things Being A Mother Has Taught Me:
- Re-Learning How To Share
Going from not really sharing to sharing everything. My bed, my bath, my food, my tv time! Since being a mother I really had to re-learn that word SHARE!
2. Patience
That saying “Patience is a virtue” it’s a tough one and I find the more kids I have the more I need to remind myself of this. Slowly, since having Ella I feel myself having to practice my patience just a tad more…
3. Don’t Forget Who I am
Sometimes I find myself getting lost in the daily amounts of laundry, dishes, dinners, work & children. I tend to loose myself. It consumes me. As soon as I start to forget the things I love then I start to find myself again. One of the many reasons why I started to blog.
4. Unconditional Love
Owen & Ella have both taught me this true meaning, of what it’s like to give and receive it. I never take it for granted or forget the power of unconditional love. Everyday it consumes me!
5. Marriage Is More Than Love
Marriage is more than just love, it’s parenting and friendship. Connecting on a different level then ever before standing grounded & balanced. Drew and I have tried our hardest to show our kids this value so hopefully they learn from us and take it with them. Relationships should be equal.
6. Play More Worry Less
They remind me everyday that even though I’m an “Adult” I can still play and be silly. They remind me everyday to put the worry aside and play. Just to act crazy and not to let the little things linger and disrupt my mood. Because they may be small but they are smart!
7. Balance
I struggle with this word daily, finding balance in my life as a parent. Juggling many different things all at once has become my specialty, it’s actually how I strive some days to challenge myself and re-program myself to balance everything in life!
Photography | Floralie Photography
Keisha Lynne, xx
Awesome post. I need to make \”me\” time and remember all the people who love me not just because I\’m mom. I love the idea that marriage isn\’t just about being in love. It\’s so much more ❤️❤️❤️ Thank you for the great read.
So true, and yes you do! It\’s so easy to forget all about ourselves. xx