5 Ways We Balance Life With Our Children’s Age Gap


5 Ways We Balance Life With Our Children’s Age Gap.

It always makes me laugh when people say “Life must be easy with your children’s age gap!”. Not laugh in a rude way. Just a haha, you would think that looking in from the outside. But quite honestly, parenting isn’t ever easy. I don’t think it really makes a difference what age your children are, it’s always going to be hard work.

I will admit that not having to chase around two toddlers both in diapers is pretty amazing. And when I was pregnant with Ella it made my hear sing when I was having a bad day and I could say to Owen “Mommy isn’t feeling well!” he would feel empathy knowing what I was going through. Always so understanding and managed to entertain himself without worry.

As days go on, I realize that it doesn’t matter what age your children are it matters on what they’re personality is like and what stage of life they’re entering. The new phase of each age challenges us parents with something new to work on! For us, have a toddler & a child slowly becoming a pre-teen. We have to make sure that we’re working hard to help shape this kids future learning & help him prepare to become a hard working, sweet guy. To help him find that path to independence & hard work. To make good choices. That’s not always easy!

So how do we balance it everyday to help find that happy medium, you know that balance between helpful loving parents but also giving your kids that space to grow! Balancing such a big age gap where I can satisfy both children’s needs & wants in life without forgetting anyone in the meantime…

  1. Date Days; Quality time alone they both need on different days individually. Owen’s old enough to understand my sense of humour & enjoy harder things toddlers can’t do. I love that time where I can just focus on one child without being interrupted!
  2. Tag Team; Drew and I often tag team and split up our time when we’re out or even when we’re home doing different things at the same place!
  3. Common Interest; If there’s one thing I do know is that the older Ella becomes the more I find she starts to enjoy the same things Owen does. I try to find things to do with them that they both love together. Like walks, parks, indoor parks.
  4. Independence; It goes a long way to help balance life with this age gap. It defiantly makes life easier helping them to do things on their own. Yes, I make Ella do chores to.
  5. Equal; As a family we treat each other as equals. Most of the time we forget about the age gap and treat both kids the same. Of course in some ways we can’t but we really find the more we equally treat them the more they grow together and not separate!

Of course, this age gap works for our family. Drew and I love it and it was partially planned! It has helped our outlook on raising our children & taught us a lot over the years from when Owen was a baby. It’s defiantly changed in many ways over the years!

So no Owen isn’t any easier then a toddler, he’s approaching a different phase in life and has had to learn to grow up faster & to share his parents more. Life isn’t any easier with a 5 year age gap or a 2 or 3! It helps, but its not any easier!



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Keisha Lynne, xx



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