40 Things I’m Teaching My Son

View More: http://umbrellatreephotography.pass.us/keishajohnson

I think it’s safe to say that there’s a special bond that a mother and son share together. A boys love for his mama is deep & eternally loving. Owen, my first born, well this is him. Not to brag, but to him I’m kind of a big deal! He’s my hugger, he’s my kisser, he’s my ‘I love you mommy’, he’s my little lovey dove. He’s never afraid to express his love for me or any of his family members. Owen is kind, so kind & as much as I want to protect his soft heart his entire life, the older he gets the more I realize he’s not a baby anymore…

When I first found out I was pregnant with Owen I was just turning 21, the moment I found out he was a boy was a tad bit terrifying. I had convinced myself that I was having a girl, having a boy seemed so scary. Growing up in a family full of girls, I knew girls. I didn’t know one thing about raising a boy! Slow and steady I caught on. Still don’t really know what I’m doing the older he gets but I’m trying! At eight years old he is a blast!

Owen is a good little boy. I don’t fear things for him as much as I do for Ella, but regardless I want him to grow up being a well loved, respectable young man who will make his wife and everyone around him compliment me on the good boy I raised! hahaha Yes, I want all the credit!

40 Things I’m Teaching My Son

  1. Tell people you love them.
  2. Believe in yourself.
  3. Create a cozy place.
  4. Treat women well.
  5. Always tell the truth.
  6. Go easy on the cologne.
  7. Never be afraid to show your emotions.
  8. Trust is earned and when lost its hard to get back.
  9. Always make sure to lend a helping hand to those in need.
  10. Be kind to everyone, especially your sister. She’s your best friend.
  11. Listen to me. Like, not with glazed eyes. But really listen…
  12. Spend quality time with people that matter to you.
  13. Tame those brows. Or tell me when you want those brows tamed. You know what, I’ll come to you when I think they need it, like your dad… ha.
  14. Be on time, unless you have a good reason. Never keep people waiting for you.
  15. Never give up.
  16. Practice makes perfect.
  17. Everyone is equal.
  18. Feminism. Know it & be it.
  19. Winning isn’t everything. Be a loser it’s ok!
  20. Letting your junk hang out is not ok. Wear clothes when hanging around the house! When you live on your own do what you will!
  21. Oh! and we don’t need a household announcement on your newest ball hair! or how squishy it is….
  22. Love your mom & buy her flowers just because.
  23. Know when to laugh and do your best to make people laugh.
  24. Your never to old to kiss your mama.
  25. I’m your best friend & always talk to me.
  26. Please. Thank you & Excuse me. Use them often.
  27. Share your stories.
  28. Be a friend, a true friend. Build friendships.
  29. Teach people & be a kind leader people look up to.
  30. Focus on the positives.
  31. Work hard and you’ll gain respect.
  32. Don’t live in fear your whole life. It may stop you from achieving great things.
  33. Aim when you PEE! please. And it would be great to remember to put the toilet seat down when your finished! Thank you.
  34. House hold chores are not just for girls. Team work!
  35. Use YOUR best judgement. Not others.
  36. Take care of you and your body. You only get one!
  37. Always wear clean underwear? haha
  38. Ask questions & never be afraid to ask for help.
  39. Know how to cook & when to cook! Sometimes take out but not always!
  40. Trust mommy & daddy. We are smart & will always be there for you no matter what!! xx

View More: http://umbrellatreephotography.pass.us/keishajohnson

View More: http://umbrellatreephotography.pass.us/keishajohnson

View More: http://umbrellatreephotography.pass.us/keishajohnson

View More: http://umbrellatreephotography.pass.us/keishajohnson

View More: http://umbrellatreephotography.pass.us/keishajohnson

Owens ‘Boyish Charm’ Tee | Darling & Bandit

Fur Vest | Value Village

Tree | Minter Gardening

Necklace | Bip and Bop

Photos: Umbrella Tree Photography

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  1. this is so awesome and so important to teach all little ones this way! what a great post and so inspiring to others!

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